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Magazines and publications - frequently asked questions

E+T Magazine

What changes are you making to E+T?

Over the past year, we have been conducting a strategic review of E+T to understand the best way to invest in it for members.

The ways in which our members consume content today are changing rapidly with more channels and options available than ever before.

It is important to us that we ensure E+T is set up in the best way possible to allow it to evolve and adapt at pace into the future.

Therefore, we have looked both internally at how E+T currently operates as well as externally at how other similar organisations deliver premium content to their members.

Our key priorities for the future are quality, innovation and agility, value for money and future-proofing the offer for members.

To help us realise this vision, we have partnered with a specialist 3rd party publisher - the Redactive Media Group - to help us develop and deliver E+T going forward.

Our redesigned September/October 2023 edition is the first to be produced under the new model and will soon be followed by a brand-new website and updated digital channels.

Our new website will be a more immersive platform offering an enhanced experience, customised and enriched with video, webinars and podcasts.

Members will have the opportunity to boost their professional development with CPD-ready content to improve their technical and business skills.

Of course, this first new issue is just the beginning – we have lots of plans to continue to make E+T even better for members and we are committed to ongoing investment and development in the future.

What is the vision for the new E+T magazine?

Our vision for the new E+T is one which provides the content you as members want, when you want it, and through a wide range of channels.

It will give you the insight you need to develop in your careers, inspire the wider engineering profession and attract a new generation of engineers into the IET community.

It is important for us to always consider our membership audience first and foremost and to ensure we provide added value to them through E+T content.

Going forward, we also want to see a closer alignment to the IET; reflecting its strategy, focus and the activity set of the wider organisation.

Will there still be a print edition?

Yes – absolutely. The printed magazine will remain an important component of the E+T portfolio and will be produced and delivered six times a year, supplemented by an increased amount of digital content available between issues and expanding the range of content formats produced (e.g. video, podcasts).

I don’t receive a printed copy of E+T. How do I access the digital edition?

The digital edition of E+T can be accessed by members through the E+T website.

The digital ‘page turner’ has been upgraded and includes a PDF download of each issue for offline viewing on the go.

I want to advertise in the E+T magazine or website(s). Who should I speak to?

New advertising enquiries for E+T should be directed as follows:

Display and sponsorship:

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7880 8543

Recruitment advertising:

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7880 7633


Can I claim tax relief on my additional journals?

The membership fee and journal subscriptions are both tax allowable. Therefore members of the IET will be eligible for tax relief for membership and journal subscriptions in the tax year in which these expenses are incurred.

For the journal subscription to be allowable:

  • The journals must be linked and issued by the professional body that the member belongs to
  • The professional body is approved by the Inland Revenue and appears in list 3 with a ‘J’ next to its name
  • The member pays this fee out of their earnings from an employment
  • The journals subscribed for are directly relevant to the member’s employment.